速報APP / 家庭 / Railway Fun: Traffic Kids Toys

Railway Fun: Traffic Kids Toys





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Railway Fun: Traffic Kids Toys(圖1)-速報App

Make sure all kids toy cars and kids trains stays undamaged

Welcome to the perfect combination of both railroad crossing games and train simulator games.

Get ready for endless hours of free simulation games and learn how to become a railroad traffic controller while playing with your kids toy cars. You can never be too young for practise. Learn while playing on your mobile and become the next best future railroad traffic controller!

Play with your kids toy cars and cool kids trains while learning to be responsible

This game is perfect for both toddler boys and toddler girls. Learn how to handle the responsibility

of a real traffic controller while playing with cool kid toys. Master all the skills required for the job while having lots of fun. Always stay alert for trains because they can show up without you noticing it…

Main Features

✔ Epic features in this train driving simulator!

Railway Fun: Traffic Kids Toys(圖2)-速報App

✔ These crossroad simulator games are full of educational elements!

✔ Feel like a real traffic controller in these railroad crossing games

✔ Perfect combination of both railroad crossing games and train simulator games.

✔ Fun kids toy cars and train for fun learning education

✔ More educational games will follow shortly

Feel free to get in touch by rating our game and by leaving a comment below. Your feedback matters! Let’s build great games together!

Mobile App Cave is always on the lookout for new (raw) development and artistic talents. Please feel free to contact us - mobileappcave@gmail.com

Hope y’all enjoy!!

Railway Fun: Traffic Kids Toys(圖3)-速報App


Railway Fun: Traffic Kids Toys(圖4)-速報App